1. SmartFaucets can be a touchpad attached to bathtub or Shower Faucets to prevent BathTu2. b Overflow with our Patented preset Timer Technology
Saving Thousands of Dollars in Bathtub Overflow plus millions of gallons of water every year
2. For Restaurant Kitchen sinks- ROI can be 1 year by shutting off water
--$1 a day in savings of paper towels used to turn off faucet handles
means $400 savings per year
--plus savings of 20 seconds of water while scrubbing their hands means another $600-$1000 in water , gas electric
3. Water conservation-- helps avoid Desalinization or Recycling plants which uses high energy costs Cruise lines and Catalina island benefits the most where water source is costly using desalination plant
4. New construction- SmartFaucets can be free by using smaller water meter size pipe through the city saving water pipe size and lower monthly water mete
1. SmartFaucets can be a touchpad attached to bathtub or Shower Faucets to prevent BathTub Overflow with our Patented preset Timer Technology
Saving Thousands of Dollars in Bathtub Overflow plus millions of gallons of water every year
2. For Restaurant Kitchen sinks- ROI can be 1 year by shutting off water
--$1 a day in savings of paper towels used to turn off faucet handles
means $400 savings per year
--plus savings of water while scrubbing their hands means savings in water , gas electric
3. Water conservation-- helps avoid Desalinization or Recycling plants which uses high energy costs Cruise lines and Catalina island benefits the most where water source is costly using desalination plant
4. New construction- SmartFaucets can save thousands of dollars by using smaller water meter size and lower monthly water meter bills
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